Thursday, May 8, 2008

Interview Questions

Interviewing Skills are critical to the job search process and Scottsdale Job Nework members are encouraged to practice informational interviews, networking interviews, telephone interviews and face to face interviews including individual interviews, panel interviews and behavioral interviews.

Sample Interview Questions for practice by job seekers, hiring managers, employers and recruiters.

Use these examples of common questions used during interviews to practice your interviewing skills. You can write out your answer, leave it here as a comment, or practice with a friend or colleague.

Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position. What's Your opinion?

Emphasize your interest in establishing a long-term association with the organization, and say that you assume that if you perform well in his job, new opportunities will open up for you. Mention that a strong company needs a strong staff. Observe that experienced executives are always at a premium. Suggest that since you are so wellqualified, the employer will get a fast return on his investment. Say that a growing, energetic company can never have too much talent.

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